1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

A logo for the John C. Fremont Library. A circle with books flying that look like birds and a big open book in the center.
A picture of a cartoon bee

Bee A Reader @ The John C. Fremont Library:
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten: A Reading Program for Preschoolers

How the Program Works

  1. Just ask the librarian for the reading log book.
  2. Read together!
  3. Color or place a sticker in a honey comb for every book you read.
  4. Stop by the library and receive a sticker for every 100 books read.
  5. Upon completing the program your child will receive: A certificate of completion and a book!

1,000 is a big number!

If you read just three books a day to your child in just one year, you will have read 1,095 books!

If you read one bedtime story every night for three years, you will have read 1,095 books!

If you read ten books each week for two years, you will have read 1,040 books!

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